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How to Embrace Outdoor Advertising for Your Brand

When you are entering into the world of advertising, you might be overwhelmed by all the different avenues you can go down. However, if you want to take advantage of pedestrians and commuters, you should look into outdoor advertising. If you want to expand your advertising outside, there are a couple steps you should follow.


If there was one place you could guarantee that your advertisement would be seen by many people every day, it would be on a billboard. This is the case whether your billboard is in the middle of a city or along a major highway. However, you have to design a billboard advertisement in a very different way than you would a magazine or a commercial. This is because you only have a few seconds to get the attention of your target audience. If your billboard is not memorable and does not catch their eye, you need to redesign it. The perfect billboard has few words and catchy slogans.

Transit Advertising

If your business is located in or near a big city, you would highly benefit from advertising on transit. This would include advertising on cars, buses, or metro rails. When you do this, not only will everyone who uses that form of communication see your advertisement, but so will anyone who passes by the vehicle. Wrapping a vehicle turns it into a mobile billboard, allowing you to advertise in local markets. Instead of having your billboard be seen by the same people every day, you can be exposed to new potential customers every day. You can typically fit more information on transit advertising because the viewers will have more time to read it than a billboard.

Mobile Signs

Although it might not seem like it, one of the most effective ways to advertise is directly to the people, like with ground advertisements. This would be things like stands in front of a restaurant, or giving directions to your establishment, or someone holding a sign. If your sign is at eye level, you will have a better chance of catching the attention of those in foot traffic. Additionally, if you have someone holding a sign, like a sign spinner, you add in another element to your advertisement because they can interact with potential customers.

Advertising outside is an effective and easy way to reach new potential customers on their daily commute. All you have to do is tailor your advertisements to the location and your audience.

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